We have yard saled our last yard sale.

I am tired, everyone. Very, very tired.

But! Thanks to the generosity of friends, our yard sales combined total is around $450. I am on edge right now waiting to hear whether or not we have broken $13,000 yet. I know we are so very close, and I know that we will break it oh so very soon.

Monday I hope to post the last few items we have for auction to finish our fundraising effort. I have to pick them up from our extremely kind donor and then all the details will be here! The auction will be run on Facebook and all the details will be available once it’s set up.

Everyone who has supported us these past few weeks especially: Thank you. None of this could have happened without your kindness.

I’ll likely thank you all a few thousand more times too so before I get to typing too crazily here I’m going to go off and chase the boy.