It’s the evening before the great Tonsil and Adenoid Eviction Event and I am not even sure what the heck to do with this, that and the other thing.

I know what I need to throw together for the hospital, both for himself and myself, and I know to charge All the Things as well as get the chargers together in a place I can get them into our bag easily. 

Tomorrow morning will be hard. He wakes up and immediately wants his milk and cereal. I have to make sure the cereal is put away, the bowls out of sight and no milk cups hanging around in the fridge. He’s going to cry and it’s going to hurt that there’s nothing I can do but after he gagged and vomited again tonight (on a food he loves and never has trouble with no less)… This is a necessary evil. His body and our carpet can’t take it, even if the carpet is conveniently vomit colored already.

Okay, it is dark vomit beige but still. 

This will be what this will be. Kitty is ready. Lovely J has no idea what is truly coming, which has me unsettled and disturbed beyond words, but we have to bear up and get through.

Sorry for the stupidly dramatic build up to what is ultimately a minor and routine surgery. There’s something about living life with Sir Jacobly Mudbutt Pickleface that just makes things that much more than they usually are some days.

Wish us luck. I’ll update when I can.