learning to navigate the world, j-bear style

Tag: giveaway

Congratulations, Janice!

We have a winner for our iPad Mini Giveaway!

So cooperation wasn’t our strong suit, though I can confidently say that J did a fabulous job making sure the drawing was really and truly random. He is actually still playing with the entries! A huge congratulations to Janice Vincent on winning the iPad Mini, which I will ship out this week to you!

Thank you to everyone who shared the giveaway, entered, and supported us on this journey. We have raised $2600 towards our travel expenses, which is a pretty big deal! The donation links will remain up if anyone is still interested but we will have no further fabulous prizes beyond the satisfaction of knowing you helped an awesome boy to meet his awesome dog.

Thank you again, everyone. This process has brought us so many new friends. It’s like we’ve gained a whole village we never would have had otherwise and words will never be enough to express that gratitude.

4 More Days

That’s right. 4 more days until the Great Mini Giveaway!

4 more days to help us get J to Dog.

4 more days until the 30 days til Ohio mark is crossed.

4 more days to spread the word!

It is sinking in more and more how real Dog to Be Named Later is. The September class will be graduating on Friday as well, preparing to return home to their completely changed lives now that their own dogs have come to join their families. We then settle in for the wait to learn who J’s match is.

Will it be a boy or a girl? Will it be a lab, a golden, a golden lab, a goldendoodle, or some wildcard we had not even considered? Will J fall in love with their photo or will it be love at first sight when they are in person beside each other?

So many questions that YOU can be part of the answer to! If you have not done so yet, please consider sharing the Great Mini Giveaway (linked above) on social media. J and I will do the drawing on Friday and post it both here and on Facebook for everyone to cheer for the winner!

Thank you to everyone who has so generously donated, shared and supported us in this effort so far. This next month is going to be one of the most exciting times in our lives and I cannot wait to share it with all of you!

The Great Mini Update

The Great Mini Giveaway has thus far raised $2100 of our $3500 goal!

There’s 11 days left to enter, so share this around as much as you want. We are super excited to have done this well so far!

The link to the giveaway page is: https://www.jbearandme.com/the-great-mini-giveway

In other news, J has himself his first cold of the new school year. Nothing horrifying but certainly upsetting enough to him. He is at home today since he had a fever last night but we’re hoping school resumes as normal tomorrow. He loves school, and his routine, and he’ll be happiest returning to it as quickly as possible.

Here’s how he spent half his day… The half he wasn’t napping anyway:


The Great Mini Giveaway!

I am so excited to announce our Great Mini Giveaway is underway!

Two months from now, we will know who our match is and even better, we will be in our hotel in OH giddily awaiting meeting our new family member.

We are giving away an iPad Mini to help defray the costs!

How’s that work you ask?

For every $10 donated, we will give you 1 chance to win this giveaway! Every $50 gets you 6 chances! Just think, if you win you’ll get to relax with an adorable iPad Mini and feel good about helping a boy meet his service dog every time you use it for all your iPad needs.

All of the details are here: https://www.jbearandme.com/the-great-mini-giveaway

Please feel free to share, share, SHARE our story! The giveaway will be made on September 26th at 8pm EST! CORRECTION: The drawing will be made at noon on 9/27 to allow the grand master himself to be at his most camera ready! 

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